Title: Snowball Laughter Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Niki/Peter Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Future fic. Summary: Niki, Peter, Micah and a snowball fight. Notes: Challenged by heroes100words . This is meant to be written as a Niki/Peter/Micah family kind of story, but if you want to not think of it that way, go ahead.
Title: Of Trust and Love Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Matt/Audrey Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: Future Fic. Summary: It is a greater compliment to be trusted then to be loved. Notes: Written for mattaudrey Fic-A-Thon prompt “It is a greater compliment to be trusted then to be loved". I’m a little physiological in this fanfic… but one person really liked it. I
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Title: Mistletoe Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Claire/Peter Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: AU (it was written before S1 EP14 aired). Summary: Peter, Claire, and mistletoe. Notes: After waiting for a P/C fanfic to come to me, I finally wrote this! I was so happy. And I really like this one too. Its short, but I don’t care. This was written before episode
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Title: Expecting Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Niki/Peter, Audrey/Matt, Heidi/Nathan Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Future/AU. Summary: Audrey, Heidi, and Niki are all expecting... Notes: I just loved this idea too much to pass it up.
Title: Grief Fandom: Heroes Pairings: none Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Character Death/Episode "String Theory" Summary: Niki’s loss… Notes: Challenged by heroes100words. While I never really liked Micah, I adore Niki/Jessica, and I knew that Niki would take Micah’s death harder then D.L.’s. I couldn’t resist this plot bunny.
Title: Lover's Good-bye Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Niki/Peter Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Season 1 Finale Spoiler. AU. Summary: Peter has to go on a very dangerous mission against Sylar… Notes: Challenged by heroes100words
Title: Blue or Pink Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Niki/Peter Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: AU/Future Fic. Summary: Niki and Peter are “discussing” their daughter’s future room. Notes: Challenged by heroes100words .
Title: Really, Really Fandom: Heroes Pairings: Niki/Peter Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Future/AU Fic. Summary: Niki and Peter have something to tell Micah. Notes: Challenged by heroes100words .